Wednesday 16 September 2009

Wednesday 16th September 2009

What Are Signifiers??
Today's lesson, we were learning about signifiers. We learnt that denotation is what you see but a connotation is what you associate the image with. This image i have picked out from the film Psycho, is the shower scene, where this woman gets stabbed to death. The picture is obviously of her in fright, and you can see from the mouth shape she is screaming, which is the denotation. The connotation is the fear this woman is in, it is not a calm image as she is in distress. This scene is what we would expect in a horror film, the blood, the gore, the violence and agony.


Monday 14 September 2009

Monday 14th September 12:42

Introduction to.....ME :)
Hi im Lucy, and this blog will give you an insight into my school life...well my media studies project. I will be updating on here everything i do in the project, and keep you posted on anything if it changes. The project sounds very exciting, doing an opening of a film sequence is the first major project, which i cannot wait to do! It should be amazing. We have already looked at opening sequences such as Spiderman 2, Pleasantville (which was a trailor), Die Hard with A Vengence, Great Expectations and Indianna Jones Raiders of The Lost Ark :) Hopefully ours will be as good!
