Wednesday 7 October 2009

Wednesday 7th October 2009

Preliminary Task!
This post will be evaluating my Preliminary Task and how I found it :) I hope you enjoy.

For the Preliminary Task we were asked to show all the shots that we learnt about and apply it into our task. The shots we were supposed to provide in the task were: match on action and shot reverse shot while maintaining the 180 degree rule. We were very prepared for the task, by watching examples from websites which also explained the shots, so the information that was provided helped my group along. We also used a storyboard which showed the task in 2D, and this had dialogue and the different shots we used for the shooting of the task, so this made the task easier than doing it off the top of our heads.

My role of this task was directing and filming. I had to make sure that I was doing the correct shots and that Jessica and Oliver were doing the right actions and saying the right speech, but they knew what they were doing so it helped the progress of the film. When we were filming this task, we made sure that we used all the shots to make it effective. When Jessica walked into the room, we made sure that we did match on action. The way we did this was to get her to walk into the room from the outside, and then repeated the action again but with the camera on the inside of the room, then we edited it to make it perfect. We also did match on action for when Jessica goes to sit opposite Oliver, we thought this would also be affective, which it was. When we did the conversation, we got them to sit facing each other at the start, and then we did shot reverse
shot to show the conversation. When we did this scene, I sat in Olivers chair to get Jessica's first part of the dialogue, and then I sat in Jessica's chair to get Oliver's speech, and then i sat back in his chair to show the ending of the dialogue, this makes it seem like the audience is the other person which is effective.
The framing was very simple. We had the two main characters (Jessica and Oliver) sitting in the classroom. The classroom is very simplistic, but it does set the scene, like the characters are isolated from the rest of the school. In the background you can see the window that shows the top field. So the framing for this scene is very simplistic.
The positioning of the characters are a long shot of Jessica walking down the hall, and then a medium shot of both of them sitting opposite each other. For the shot reverse shot sequence, we have done a close up of their faces, so you can see the expressions more clearly than you would if they were far away. Then we have a medium long shot of Oliver getting up to walk away and then the ending is Jessica crying, which is a medium shot.

I have to say i was very impressed with our work and I am happy with the outcome of it. I say this because when we got rid of all the bloopers, and edited it with each of the shots and added in sound, it was really affective and seemed quite professional, so I am very pleased with the outcome of the project.
I think we were a good group and worked very hard, although my main problem was the beginning. This is because the camera worked seemed unstable and jolted at parts, which was my fault as I was working the camera, so I myself could have improved on this. However all the shots flowed when we did them and i got both characters into the shot. The dialogue was appropriate for shot reverse shot and it was very effective, you generally thought they were having an argument.
I think i worked really well in the group. As I was using the camera, I had to make sure they followed my instructions to get into the right shot. The best thing about the group I am in, is that we listen to each others views and work on them together. I really appreciated the amount of hard work we all put into this task, it has really made an impact on the final piece. I am happy i have chosen the group I am in, as we are all hard workers and are able to listen to what each other have to say, this is what team work is about and we showed this through our final peice.

I am finding it easier to use imovie and the camera as time goes on. This is because i am a physical learner, I find it better to learn while doing and because i have been using these sources, I find it easier than I did when I first started. I am grateful I have the chance to experience this, and maybe this will help me develop a future which I will enjoy.


Monday 5 October 2009

Friday 2nd October 09

The Film Industry!
Today we were learning about The Film Industry, and how they work with different companies to ensure they get the best out of the movies, and the best sets etc. We were learning more about the company Warner Brothers and most of the questions we answered were towards them. It was an interesting lesson and very useful to learn about companies on such a large scale and the history behind it. Here i have included the questions so it is less confusing of what i actually answered :) So enjoy!

1. Briefly explain the information provided on their homepage.

The Dark Knight Homepage on the Warner Bros website contains snaps of the film itself, the sound of the clip has a massive bang like a gun shot, making you want to see more of the trailer and it contains pictures also. It has other links titles by year, titles by cast and titles by genre, these contain other films etc, but the titles by cast contains only the cast of The Dark Knight. It also features a synopsis of the film, so if you haven’t seen it, you will be eager to anyway, and it also has downloads, which contain posters and Buddy Icons.

2. Note down five facts about this studio.
- Offering over 30 rental and service departments
- 110 acre facility home to 29 sound stages, plus 20 acre back lot.
- The Studio was originally built on a plot of farmland in 1926 by First National Pictures, which Warner Bros. acquired in 1928 following the financial success of "The Jazz Singer,,", and others
-By the late 1930s, business was booming, and Warner Bros. Studios had constructed nine new soundstages, all of which are still in use today
-In 1972, Warner Communications and Columbia Pictures joined forces to create a single production facility called The Burbank Studios

3. Find two other companies.
Warner Brother also owns a number of companies - here are two:
-Warner Brothers Construction-Sedona AZ and Mead WA
- Warner Brothers Electric-Grant City MO

4. Note down five facts about this company. (Time Warner)
- A global leader in media and entertainment with businesses in television networks, filmed entertainment, publishing and interactive services
-AOL, Time Inc., Home Box Office, Turner Broadcasting System and Warner Bros. (Categories of their work)
-Innovators in technology, products and services.
-61st Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, September 2009: Time Warner companies received a total of 34 Emmys. HBO received a total of 21 awards, 7 for Warner Bros. and 6 for Cartoon Network.
-Total Number of Employees - Total Worldwide: Approximately 38,000 as of March 2009
