Monday 7 December 2009

Monday 7th December 2009!

The Big Evaluation Part 4
Part 4 is about making meaning..oooo :)

(The picture above is of The Unborn...scary)

Our intended audience for this opening sequence would be teenagers-adults, as we felt that our film would connect with that age range, and our research proved that people do prefer thrillers/horrors overall as they like the suspense and the feeling of being scared.
We used the element of a camping trip to address the teenagers as that is something they would do, i have gone to some myself and we thought that the idea was a good one so we decided on that....a camping trip gone wrong.
We did a questionnaire to determine what our overall subject was for our chosen piece however we already knew what one we wanted to do, but we wanted to get into the mindset of our chosen audience and see what genre they preferred, and they thought the same as lucky :) We found out what characters from films-such as Sweeney Todd and The Bourne Ultimatum-they liked for a thriller and what conventions they liked for the characters also. Which helped paint a picture into our heads on what the audience should be expecting.
In the filming, we made sure that we had Will (the shady character) in different spaces watching over the group, and because of this the editing was really affective as we made it really dark and grim whenever he (or an extra) was on screen, and the sound would get intense to show the audience he isn't wanted!
When we were doing the reviews of the films in our Media lesson, we had positive feedback which i was really proud of, of course there were note for improvement, such as the speech needs to be louder in one scene, and we actually had to record over the 'lost phone' scene as you couldn't hear what we were saying, but we welcomed the feedback and were proud of the results. And the opening sequence was successful as everyone enjoyed it.
As a group we had our own interpretation to the film, but wanted the audience to have their own interpretation on teenage life, that would be the cultural aspect of the film, teenagers think of themselves most of the time, and we tried showing this through the 'lost phone' scene as it really does show everyone has just had enough and can't be bothered to wait around anymore. So we left the cultural aspect for the audience to determine what they thought, and how they saw it!

Part 5 next.....!
