Friday 8 October 2010

Thursday 7th October 2010


Scenes that need to be shot:
Taking off make up - Tuesday 12th October 2010
Singers scene - in a field - after school - Tuesday 12th October 2010
Will and Harleigh scenes - Monday 11th October 2010
Sun, leaves and picture shots - Thursday 7th October 2010 - completed

I have a lot of work to do!!


Thursday 7 October 2010

Thursday 7th October 2010

Here are a few of the youth sub cultures in society today:


In my video, I am not branding any of these, as I am not focusing on the image of the characters, its the narrative and performance I am focusing on.

*Clothing: what they would usually wear to college
*Make up: naturalistic, again how they would look in college
*Hang out: college, focusing on youth and 'young love'
*Respect for society: they will be focusing on each other, so there won't be any littering and loitering.
*Respect for self: Harleigh will be changing for Will, so she won't have a lot of respect for herself as she will be changing for someone else.


Wednesday 6 October 2010

Wednesday 6th October 2010


My main actor is Harleigh Hobbs, she will be dancing in the video and acting as the main girl in the video, I chose her to play the main protagonist as she is a good actress (she is doing A Level Drama and Theatre Studies) she also represents a lot of girls her age (17) - girls who present themselves in a classy, sophisticated way and aren't provocative - a typical role model who girls would look up too. 

My other actor is William McOnie, who will be acting as the guy who is seeing Harleigh, but she thinks throughout that he is messing her around. I chose him because I have worked with him in my AS video and because he did so well in that video, I think he will pull the big A level video off. Plus he looks like the average boy you see around school and around town. Sarah Waterman would be the girl who talks to Will on the bench (which is Harleigh and Will's place) I chose Sarah as I know she is a good worker and also again represents herself in a respectful way.

Imogen, will be the singer. I chose her because she has the Taylor Swift look, natural beauty with amazing blonde hair and again she presents herself well and would also be a good role model to young girls.

Make up wipes - this is to show how Harleigh changes for Will to be more interested in her.
Dancing shoes for Harleigh - to put on when she finishes dancing
Bags - bags such as school bags would be use for the shots which are set in the school as they are a  realistic portrayal of what students of schools everywhere use to hold onto work etc.

Mainly on school grounds - this links to my target audience as it is a familiar setting for them.
Field for singer - Whitmoor Common, a beautiful setting heightened by the heather growing in the area which is complimented by the grey sand - this is to show Imogen as a lover of nature as she is a country singer who loves everything country.
Bathroom for Harleigh - to take of her make up and the place where the audience see Harleigh's transformation taking place.


The bench where Harleigh and Will sit (like its their special spot, she's hurt when Will has another girl sitting there too)