Monday 27 September 2010

Tuesday 27th September 2010

Potential Target Audience For Music Video 

Here is the questionnaire for my research on my chosen genre of video and song :)

The image is a tad small.

 From these findings, I will now have to work hard to represent the music genre (acoustic) to the best of my ability as only 8% like the acoustic genre.
 These findings show that I have a lot of work on my hands because my inspiration for my music video is Taylor Swift, with my themes and ideas from this inspiration, I need to work hard on creating a music video that will change their view on Taylor Swifts music and the acoustic/folk sound entirely.
This question was to see how often my target audience watch music videos and I found that most of them watch music videos every day, this was helpful as I need the aim of making a video that won't get boring if it is over played. 
Here you can see that the audience prefer to have a simple storyline, this is because they want to be able to follow the action taking place on the screen and because of this I will have a simple storyline throughout, showing the protagonist's relationship.

Here is the simple question of the audience expectations; and you can see that the audience do expect to see the band/artist performing in the video, simply because they should be selling their work so should present themselves. 
 Here, these results show how the audience believe that the band/artist and themes are the most important element in any music video. So because of this, I will show the theme of love throughout the video with Imogen the singer, singing the lyrics to compliment the action taking place.
 I found that most of the audience re-watch music videos to understand what it is about, however because I decided to have my video following a simple storyline, I will make the video so that people will want to watch the video simply for enjoyment.
 I found out that most of the audience would mostly download songs because they saw a video first, so I have to make a video that would make the audience want to buy/download the song, if I was competing in the music industry.

With these findings I found that narrative, performance and intertextuality are the main genre's that the audience prefer. I will include these in my video by have the artist singing the lyrics, a narrative that is easy to understand by the actors facial expressions and intertextuality; using other artists ideas for their videos, such as Taylor Swift.

With these findings, I will use both options as I need to represent a school society, so I could use classrooms and a playground. For the artist I will use a scenic setting to represent the artist throughout.