Thursday 21 October 2010

Thursday 21st October 2010


I had the busiest day of filming and editing today, to hopefully be done for tomorrow. But here is what happened full scale on my most eventful day so far!

- In the morning I had to find a location for Harleigh to dance. I originally wanted to do it in the old gym - a place where the younger years of the school have P.E. In form I went to find one of the teachers who use the gym, and she said to me 'sorry but the gym is all booked up for today' GREAT I thought. So my second option was to use a room in the Sixth Form block, which I think turned out perfectly. So what Harleigh, Will and I did was push all the tables and chairs back to the front to give Harleigh a reasonable amount of space to dance.

- Will had one more little scene to do, wondering if he should go to Harleigh or not and in the end he goes up to her and hugs her. And I am really proud of him, as he really worked hard on to get the perfect shot and we did. This was also done in the same room as Harleigh's dancing scenes, as I want to make out that he's purposely gone to find her and make up with her.

- Harleigh's dancing scenes were amazing. I know she is an awesome dancer but for her to do it for my music video, made me so happy. She looked fantastic doing it and I think the outcome looked great. So that was another scene that I had to film during the day.

- My last two scenes I had to film, were taking off the make up scene, and the leaves falling. Harleigh was again very helpful in this, and it was done in one take, although it was hard to try and find a suitable place as to where I would stand to show her looking through the mirror taking off her make up, but we got it done. Thank God! The leaves were pretty simple to shoot. I lay on the floor to get the leaves falling like they would from trees, (as I am holding the camera, I was basically representing the pavement) and Mercedes and Sarah helped to throw the leaves up in the air so I could get what I wanted, and fingers crossed it looks good!

- I then went up to the media room to start to piece together my video. When we had to show what we had so far, I knew that I was so far behind at this stage. I was panicking like mad. However, the others in the class were very understanding, and could see this. So most of their comments about my video were to work more on it and fill in the blanks. I knew how hard I had to work to complete these goals; that's what I did.

- I stayed in over lunch and my two frees to at least try and complete the music video. I am quite proud of my progress at that stage, as all I need to do now is just add in a few more bits and then its done - the rest I will do tomorrow.

I do blame myself for all the glitches that have happened throughout my progress of the music video. However, I do believe that as I am by myself, I have no one else to help me or give me any ideas. First I was confident in being by myself, but the problems I have encountered, I wish I had someone else to save me. But hey at least it's nearly over, what a roller-coaster it has been!


Wednesday 20th October 2010


Well, the filming I did today was short lived as the tape went all funny on me; saying that there was nothing recorded, even when I fast - forwarded or rewound it claimed that I had nothing recorded, so it decided to record over what I had, so I became very, very annoyed. Then it decided to to jolt all over the place and put a funny pixelated picture on the screen, so I gave up and did a bit of editing, so today was eventful...just hope tomorrow will be more successful!
