Wednesday 15 September 2010

Wednesday 15th September 2010


Recently, we have been looking at bands/singers who have changed their image over time. As a star style, we looked at Britney Spears and how she went from 'pop princess' to 'breakdown barbie' because of all the media attention, it is sad to see but in the end she rose above it, and her circus tour in 2009 proved this - out with the old and in with the new! So I was looking around for a few good bands (see the presentation) The band and singer I chose were McFly and Christina Aguilera, and this will be fully described on the powerpoint presentation.


Tuesday 14 September 2010

Tuesday 14th September 2010!

WOAHH it's the second year stuff! Exciting. MUSIC VIDS!!!

Well, last year was fun making the opening of a film, and the finished product was what I had hoped for. Now I don't have Jess and Oliver to help me now, I'm by myself, but hopefully I will produce a video that will make them and I proud. I chose to be by myself with this module as I knew what genre of music I wanted to do, and what sort of video I can do with it. So over the summer, I watched a lot of music channels to get a feel of the genre, and whether I wanted to do a video with the genre of performance with a hybrid of narration, and I did exactly that.
My first choice of song was 'Real With Me' by Cady Groves, however when I looked into her she was actually signed by a record label, so sadly I couldn't use her sound. But all was not lost when I found a new sound by Whitney Wiatt, and I fell in love with her song 'Come Around' it was exactly what I was looking for. So as soon as I found this song, I watched videos from Taylor Swift as her sound is quite similar to Wiatt's, so I took some print screens of her videos for some inspiration....hopefully they will do me justice :)

Wish me luck for this year
