Wednesday 14 October 2009

Wednesday 14th October 2009

Whats the Genre????

In my group, the genre of our opening sequence is THRILLER!!! Dun dun dun!!!!
We have chosen this particular genre, because it is fast paced, fun to do and most importantly the main genre most people go to watch. I say this because most people like
to feel thrilled and leave the cinema with the sense of : 'Oh My God im so scared' i did coming out of The Happening, feeling i would die from the trees, i know sad right? But thats why we chose the idea of Thriller, we want the audience to feel spaced out and exhilerated, not knowing what the rest of the film will be like, unlike horror, thriller leaves you in suspense, and we want to create that affect with the audience.

As i have already mentioned The Happening in my blog, i will use this as an example of a Thriller Movie.
The plot: Elliot Moore is a high school science teacher who quizzes his class one day about an article in the New York Times. It's about the sudden, mysterious disappearance of bees. Yet again Nature is doing something inexplicable, and whatever science has to say about it will be, in the end, only a theory. Scientists will bring out more theories, but no explanations, when a more urgent dilemma hits the planet. It begins in Central Park. Suddenly and inexplicably, the behavior of everyone in the park changes in a most bizarre and horrible way. Soon, the strange behavior spreads throughout the city and beyond. Elliot, his wife, Alma, and Jess, the young daughter of a friend, will only have theories to guide them where to run and where to hide. But theories may not be enough Taken from the IMDB (International Movie Database) website. I would say the film is what i expected, but it was so jumpy it was unreal. When the builders were falling off the buildings, it made me jump so much. I cant think of any films that are similar to this one if i am honest. I would say this film is unique :)

The main characters in the film are : Elliot Moore (Mark Walberg) Alma Moore (Zooey Deschanel) and Julian (John Leguizamo) Elliot Moore. Obviously Elliot and Alma are married, but she went to coffee with another man and didnt tell Elliot, they both realise in the turn of events that they do love each other, and her going to coffee with another man was a silly fault of hers. Julian has a daughter callen Jess, whos mother never comes from off screen, she just calls Julian up and we never see her. Julian and Alma don't really get along as he says 'Don't take my daughter's hand unless you mean it.' He doesnt like her whereas she tries her hardest.
Mark Wahlberg has been in a film with this genre before, he was in Fear, The Substitute and many more, i thought he played the part well, he brought humour to the film, saying '[to house plant] Hello. My name is Elliot Moore. I'm just going to talk in a very positive manner, giving off good vibes. We're just here to use the bathroom, and we're just going to leave. I hope that's okay.
[Elliot touches leaf]
Plastic. I'm talking to a plastic plant. I'm still doing it.' taken from the imdb website.
Zooey Deschanel has only been involved in a couple of Thrillers, but plays the part well in The Happening, although she does seem to be spaced out quite a lot which in a way annoys me, if that was happening to me i would be amazingly scared, on the verge of death oh dear i would be screaming my head off, but apart from that she is a good actress.
John Leguizamo has also been in thrillers and is in the making of one right now, he also plays the part well in the thriller as do all the other actors. I think the actors in this film were chosen for the part as they have been in the genre before and they know what the genre is about. The director must have thought they have potential to make the film big, it may have not reached that standard, but it has had good ratings.

The themes of thrillers frequently include terrorism, political conspiracy, pursuit, or romantic triangles leading to murder, which i find are very interesting, i like to watch tv programmes or movies with suspense it makes it more believable.
The values of thrillers could be family values or friendship values, something to do with the environment. These themes and values put together a story and build up the suspense to make you feel out of place and edgy.

The locations you would expect in a thriller would be an isolated building or isolated town, to make the audience who are watching it to feel on edge and in suspense to what is about to happen. The locations also link together with the situations the characters are faced with, such as if the person has been driving around on a long never ending country road isolated from the other towns and the car has no petrol left, they will start to feel themselves isolated, and again creating the idea of suspense to what is happening to the character. They are typical of this genre because Thriller is leaving the characters to feel out of place and in tricky situations, whereas Horror (which is one of the hybrids to Thriller) is more gory and unrealistic, but thriller tries to take the blood and gore out (but does have elements of it)and leave suspense in, it has to make you feel thrilled!

I just cant wait to do my film, after all the planning that we will put into this i am sure we will do well :)



Unknown said...

Excellent research, Lucy. Are there any elements of this film that you might incorporate into your main piece?

Lucy Locket<3 said...

Yes there are. We wanted to get the element of supense across, like 'The Happening' does with why the people are killing themselves, and we also wanted to get the sense of isolation across also :)