Friday 4 December 2009

Friday 4th December 2009!

The Big Evaluation Part 2!
Part 2...Is all about Professional Practice!

I would have to say that with everyone that was in the group, even if it were the actors and the directors, producers etc (well the last 2 are Jess, Ollie and Me)...anyway i would say that everyone that helped out created our film, and made it work. But that wasn't all that was done to create this piece. My media group that produced this film, worked together to meet the deadlines, producing a time sheet every media lesson to get the work done, and we also set ourselves goals to finish the film production by a certain date, and we did, so working with a group that have the same mind set as me helped, as we got along with it and it worked.

Our film wasn't majorly dangerous. So the health and safety rules were limited, just wear warm clothes. However we had to be careful for the death scene, so that i wouldn't actually be drowned in the river, so i had to explain to Will what i wanted him to do and to limit the amount of force that could be used, to what would look effective for the film, he listened and produced a very good death thank you Will for not drowning me!
The people who were in the film, i thank them so much, our film wouldn't be what it was if it wasn't for them. What we did was, we worked out when every ones free's were so we could get filming, but because some had them at different times, we did it in enrichment, they didn't moan when we needed them so I'm happy i worked with such nice people. I also thank Imogen's mum and Jess's dad for taking us to Britons Pond, as we didn't know how to get there, they took us at the last minute, so i thank them very much also.
We worked out who we wanted in the film as soon as we knew what the project was. So we wrote down their names and asked them if they wanted to be in it, they agreed and we went off to film. We used limited amount of props as we didn't want them to carry anything, so all we used were bags for the camping scene, a phone to get disconnected from the outside world (which was mine) and a laptop which was at Jess's house, for the facebook scene. So it was easy to look after them as they were our own possessions and we wouldn't want to lose them, so it was easy to keep an eye on them. Everyone wore what they did to College that day, and they were warm clothes so they didn't need to change anything. We took location shots of where we wanted to film, so we knew what parts we needed to film and where, and these helped us to set the scene in our heads.

The storyboards helped us so much, as we had the images that we had in our heads drawn in the storyboard, so we could see our ideas on paper, which made a visualised impression of 'The Silent Pool' however we had to remember what we had down as we forgot to bring it on the day of filming, but luckily we remembered most of it. It was the same with the script, as we forgot to bring that as well, however we remembered it again but changed the wording around so it wouldn't seem so staged, and some of the people dropped out so it was quite good how we didn't rely on the script, and it looked like they were being genuine in their emotions from what they were saying.
We managed our time well as we worked together. An example could be when Ollie was in a production and needed to rehearse, Jess and Me went to film my death scene and then the next lesson we showed Ollie and worked out what to edit, i think it shows good team work how we can react well with each others problems, and still co-operate together to get the right amount done. We also stayed in at lunch times and after school to work on the editing, which helped to move the progress along. All the time that we managed and spent on the production worked and i think we produced a really good opening sequence!

Part 3....nexttt!


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