Wednesday 14 October 2009

Wednesday 14th October 2009 Blog 1

What's the new task?
We were set the task to get in to groups of three to produce an opening movie sequence of our choice.
My group is made up of; Oliver Byng, Jessica Norris and myself, Lucy Smith.
-Oliver or Byngy Boy :) is a very talented person and is extremely knowledgable. As he does drama he brings in the dramatic style of things and helps the group out a lot. Im happy he is in the group as he will bring a lot of good ideas to the table. I love his dance moves ;)
-Jessica or Norris as i like to call her, is also very talented. She is also a dramatist so again brings other ideas and links them to the others that Oliver and myself have produced. She is a funny one, keeps the group smiling.
Even though the group is small, we all get along well together, which will make the progress of our movie come along nice and sharply. There may be a few moments when we get distracted but we are a focused group, and i couldnt ask for a better one than mine!

I hope the opening sequences reflect how hard our group are at working, and that we can produce amazing peices of work. I know the people in my group have the potential to go far, and they are amazing people, so i know we will all strive to success :)


1 comment:

Byng0 said...

its been really good working with you!