Tuesday 21 September 2010

Planning process for Music Video!

Well we have begun this process again...trying to find out what will and won't work for the video, what will make the video AMAZING, and what will make it look awful. This is when we try and work out what effects and transitions will be suitable for the video..this is when I begin to panic! I'm by myself so I don't have another opinion, so I really need to think about my audience and what I want to show through my video. Heres my mood board which maps out ideas on what I think would be good in my video..please wish me luck, as I really need it :)

The mood board 
The mood board helped me visualise ideas of how I could show a typical teenage romance. You can see pictures of Taylor Swift's video 'Be Mine' and general pictures of how I would dress my actors. It also has pictures and associated words of seasons that are mentioned throughout the song. The colours on this mood board connote love as these are colours associated with this emotion.

My little learning curve: the main problem I have encountered so far is uploading my animatic onto the blog. Even though I have evidence of having an animatic and a storyboard, the format for the animatic was wrong, something to do with not having the rate on 25.00. So when I tried to upload it onto youtube, they said 'error: the video has violated youtube servers' or something along those lines. This has been a real learning curve, i know now what to do and where to go from here.

So I'm sorry for the lack of evidence for the animatic, but I have done it, its just technology hates me sometimes!

The Shot Listings: 
These shot lists show the order in which I plan to film and what props, costume and location would be needed for the making of... to take place. This will really help me track my progress and to keep ahead of the deadline.

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