Thursday 23 September 2010

Thursday 23rd September 2010

Research into similar Artists....

Taylor Swift:
Her image and representation of her songs are near enough the same as the sound of the song I want to do. Her songs have become well noticed with the young/teenage girls who believe that her songs 'speak' to them. Most of her songs have been in the top 20 due to her acoustic and young sound, and her videos are mostly of the narrative genre, because she wants her videos to create the meaning. I will be looking more closely at her videos as her videos portray love and relationships, which ultimately are aimed at young girls.

She has a more soulful sound to Taylor Swift, but that is one of the main reasons I have also chosen her as a style guide. As her music is more mature, it is suitable for an older audience. Her video genre is more perfomance as your just focused on her. However you could say she has a hybrid of narrative, as in some videos she does tell a story throughout the video, an aspect most singers do today as they want to show meaning through the video. I would probably take away her performance as inspiration, as you can really show the emotions she is trying to portray throughout her video 'Make You Feel My Love'.

Katie Melua:
Again her music is inspirational, and is suitable for all people. Her music is very soft and emotional, as seen through her videos. The genre of her videos are mostly performance, but they tend to go through the hybrid of narrative and soectacle, as she uses effects in her videos 'If The Lights Go Out' and 'I Cried For You'. Her songs are a tad quicker in rhythm than my chosen song, but her sound is soft as is 'Come Around' (my chosen song)

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