Friday 12 November 2010

Friday 12th November 2010


On Wednesday 10th November 2010, my class went to HMV to look at album covers to gain inspiration on what would look good for our own album cover. Here is the conclusion of what we found out when we went:

1. What CD catches your eye when you stand in front of a stand?
Scissor Sisters - shows a transition of walking from a peaceful meadow setting, then going through a tunner into the city.

2. Where are the music DVD's located in the store?

3/4 of the way in of the store

3. How are they arranged? eg. by genre/artist?

Alpabetical order by artist

4. Look at the range of DVD's. What percentage of the following do they mainly showcase?

- Performance - 80%
- Documentaries - 10%
- Complications - 5%
- Other - 5%

5. What is the purpose of the DVD?

To show the artist/band performing on the stage, and for the audience to see how good they are live.

6. Where are the CD's located in the store?

The centre

7. How are they arranged?

In rows by genre and alphabetical order.

8. What does this tell you about the relative importance of CD's compared with DVD's?

As CD's are individually organised by genre and alphabetical order they will sell more than DVD's as there is more of a variety

9. What is being played at the listening posts?

There was nothing being played, technical fault.

10. Does this give you any indication of HMV's customer base?

There is a wide range of genres.
A few questions we had to ask a member of staff!
1. What is your customer base at HMV?
Around Guildford Centre
2. Why do you arrange the store in the way you do?
For sales - mass merchandise at front to draw attention to the customer
3. How do DVD sales compare to CD sales? Why is this?
DVD's sale more than CD's as we get DVD's in bulk.
4. How do you encourage people into your store?
Offering excellent customer service, and advertising.
5. What strategies do you use to compete against internet downloads?
2 for £10 and rewards cards
And the guy was very lovely indeed, excellent customer service.

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