Friday 12 November 2010

Friday 12th November


The album cover i have chose to analyse, and think can give me an idea on what I could use for my own album cover is: dunn dun dunnnnnnnnnnn: CORINNE BAILEY RAE'S THE SEA! The album cover relates to the music as the picture on it is soft and gentle like the music on the album. The picture expresses change - the autumn leaves in the background and her facial expression looks like she is thinking or looking in the distance, for hope maybe? I believe that the cover is a piece of art in its own self, it's creative and gives a sense of isolation and loneliness and her song Are You Here shows this factor. Her songs are upbeat yet they are still soft so in some way the cover does tell you what you will expect on the album and the textures in the picture are also soft as well. So the album cover really works with the songs and I feel a lot of work has been put in it to sell the songs as they work well with each other. I think this cover is different to others, as there is a variety of colours and the font of the album also works well. So I think, if I saw this I would buy it, and it has given me inspiration for my own album cover.


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