Wednesday 5 January 2011


What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

The audience feedback I received from my peers gave me a push to finish my final music video. They were honest and gave me constructive criticism which consisted of me tightening up my lip syncing because it was lagging at the time. Also partly because I had not finished my music video (a few parts were missing - such as a few transitions and the odd shot) I knew I had to work hard as they each told me to work on the blanks. I was pleased to see/hear that they thought the lighting looked amazing -especially how it glowed upon Imogen's pretty face/frame - because that was what I wanted to achieve, Imogen as  a country singer - looking happy in her surroundings. They also agreed with each other that the framing and shots were nice and steady, and worked well with the overall video and made the story make more sense, with the help of the transitions also. The transitions they said worked with the video as it flowed more to tell the story and the setting and characters were appropriate for the video. They also thought that the shots made the narrative make sense; seeing Harleigh and Will's argument being easily distinguished through facial expressions and gestures by the close up shots and mid shots, which also showed the progression of their relationship, an aspect that I wanted to get across to the audience.

With the ancillary texts they thought the ideas that came across were really good and the colours linked with the overall theme of the whole package - love/romance - so because of this I was really happy as it was what I intended to do from the beginning, everything needed to link together. They thought it was imaginative and well thought out, however Nick thought it would have been clever to have the petals of the flower on the ground for the back cover of the album, like Imogen had picked them off herself while saying 'He loves me, he loves me not' the idea was really good but sadly the rose I used was fake, so this could not have been achieved.

So because of their feedback throughout the process of making a music video, I think they have really helped me on my growing knowledge and made it what it is as they pushed me to work harder, which I am grateful for!


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