Wednesday 5 January 2011


How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

1. I used to search for my chosen artist, this was to see if there were any artists who were unsigned and that I was able to use, luckily I found Whitney Wiatt. You could easily tell if they were unsigned or not as they had the word pro next to their name, which was to distinguish who were the professionals. This all goes to the research and planning stages!

2. I used twitter on my phone to get in contact with the artist and I was really happy that she replied straight away. Using twitter shows how it is so easy to contact people; they can see the update on their own Twitter and reply straight away! This aspect is part of the researching stage.

3. I used Google Blogger to update my blog for when I had done something new because we used these last year as well, I am now a whizz at being a blogger and it is actually quite fun! This was used to basically show my progress throughout the making of the video and to show the research throughout the planning and development, so you could say that managing my blog covers all stages.

4. I used a video camera (and a tripod) similar to the one in this picture, to shoot the music video, this was to capture the making of the video, it also shows you how compact and easy to use it is, for people like me who are by themselves making a music video - it is easy to hold and no fuss will This is again an aspect of the development stage yet construction stage also.

5. I used the Apple Mac to edit my video into the final product, using Final Cut Express to create the music video.We used this format because it has a range of transitions and effects which are used in the media industry, so it is helping us learn the techniques you need if you want to have a job in the editing field and it also helped to give my video a professional look. This was all for the construction and development stages!

6. I used Adobe Photoshop to create my ancillary text digipak and the background for the Magazine Advert, this is because it was an easier way to do it because I have the experience of using it, again it gives it a more professional feel to the pictures. This is part of the construction stage.

7. I used Microsoft Publisher to create my ancillary text - the Magazine Advert, this was because it was again easier to construct an advert as you can simply place the pieces where you wanted them; like a jigsaw puzzle, again this is part of the construction stage.

8. I used Hotmail to send my products to my school account so I can hand in both ancillary texts so they could be evaluated and for the Magazine Advert (to be put together on Publisher on my school user), this is part of planning and construction.


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